Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Book Review: All The Light We Cannot See

I am fortunate enough to have found and joined a book club that started at the beginning of the year. It's the first one I have ever been a part of and I'm so excited about it. Usually, I'll read something and want to discuss it with others and instead have to settle for devouring reviews (or, you know, writing my own. . .). 

Our first book was All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Spoiler Alert: this story is phenomenal. : All The Light We Cannot See review

Monday, February 9, 2015

All of the Yums: Recent Recipes

You guys. . .winter is seriously no joke. I am so itchy for warmth and being able to be outside for longer than five minutes without my eyes watering from the wind and cold. I am so ready for skin and lips that aren't chapped and hair that isn't static-y. 

I know I complain a lot about winter, but I really wasn't made for it. Jon and I both agree that if we could guarantee jobs in a warmer climate, we'd bounce. Thankfully, we love Pittsburgh and we have a lot of fun here, so it's not all bad - but I definitely feel like a grumpier, more blah version of myself through the grayest season of the year.

That having been said, we've been eating really, really well. As a lover of food (I may or may not have said out loud earlier today, "Food makes me so fucking happy"), a good meal can absolutely boost my mood. I am not one who eats to live - like, only putting in 'x' amount of proteins to fuel me or whatever. If you can do that, great, all the power to you. For me, it's more like I live to eat. I plan my meals out so that I always have something to look forward to and I love trying to balance pairings or meals throughout the week. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Am I Bragging? Conversational Positivity

As potentially one of the least politically correct people I know, I often have a hard time finding the line between what is okay to discuss and, most importantly, how to discuss it. 

It seems that in society, even among the best of friends, talking about negative things is always okay (as long as you don't overdo it, of course, because then you're a whiner, a Debbie Downer). Upset with a boss? Bitch about it over cocktails. Frustrated with endless piles of work? By all means, we're here for you. Co-workers suck? Tiptoeing around silly office politics? Complete lack of accountability in others? Let it out, folks. 

But what about the truly good things? What about when good things happen and you're excited and want to share? What about when your efforts are commended, or you are given recognition and praise? What about when things are simply going well and you want to talk about that? The line gets fuzzy.

You think: well, can I just come out and say, "I got an award today!"? You think: am I going to look like a complete bragging ass for talking about how good things are going? You think: is it okay to be this visibly excited? 

Talking about and sharing good things, positive things is almost always harder than negative things. After all, think about your role as a responder to these instances: someone says "I had the WORST day today, I couldn't get a hold of anyone so 'x' project was delayed and then my co-worker completely dropped the ball on 'y' and of course my boss won't say anything or intervene. Then, I had to deal with this rude customer who all but insulted my intelligence and insisted to talk to my supervisor, despite my assurance that I was a supervisor. I feel so unappreciated and I just don't know what to do - there are only so many hours in a day!" 


This, you think, is easy to react to: sympathy. Empathy. Words of encouragement. Maybe tidbits of advice, suggesting that she have one-on-one time with her boss and calmly explain the sources of frustration. Offer to take her out for lunch or happy hour and make her feel better, give her a safe space to vent. 

Believe me, I have needed exactly that reaction countless times in my life. My last position and employer was pretty terrible and my misery and anxiety levels were through the roof. I am so fortunate to have a myriad of great friends (and a great husband, of course) who would listen, who would offer support, who would be patient as I worked through my grumpiness, who would do everything necessary and really, truly try to make me feel better - and often times, they did. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Book Review: Big Little Lies

I'm just going to give it away: Big Little Lies is a great, fun read. 

I was a little disappointed in my first book of 2015 so it was extra exciting to update my Goodreads with this one. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty is another one of those books that has been gracing Best Of lists and there apparently will be a limited television series based on it starring Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman (verdict: SO EXCITED! TV was the way to go, it'll play out much better on a week-to-week basis than if it were a movie).

via Amazon
In the interest of complete honesty: is Big Little Lies some great, moving piece, some literary art? No - not to me, anyway. But I had so much fun reading it: the characters are great (and relatable - I can name a Madeline, a Celeste, a Renata in my every day life without hesitation), the storyline is interesting, the themes are easy to pick up on without being shoved in one's face. . . I really cannot ask for more in a novel.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

ipsy Review: January Glam Bag

New month, new shiny pink envelope! Wee! 

Like last month, I was SO excited to come home to my new haul (bonus: it came a day early!). Also like last month, I totally posted slightly annoying shit to my Facebook in order to get the Sneak Peek so that I knew what was coming. 

Despite that, I was surprised at the size of the items - in a pleasant way. 

Steeling Stephanie: ipsy Review - January Glam Bag #FreshStart
From left: LaFresh Eco-Beauty Be Good. Good Day. Day Moisturizer. (Malin & Goetz) Mojito Lip Balm. Manna Kadar Cosmetics Sheer Glo. Hikari Cosmetics Mechanical Eye Liner in Smoke. Pacifica Natural Mineral Coconut Eye Shadow.

Perhaps it comes as no surprise that I was all about the Fresh Start theme to this month's bag - after all, I specifically mentioned wanting to focus on my skin. Having seen some of the other items that were sent and having used these items for a little over a month, I definitely think I won the ipsy lottery this month.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Book Review: Belzhar

I've officially read my first book of 2015. 

thank you for the encouragement, Goodreads
I read Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer during a bed-ridden sick weekend (it was the worst. I'm a terrible sick person). This book graced many Best of 2014 lists, including this one by Publisher's Weekly and this one by School Library Journal. Amazon had repeatedly recommend it to me so I finally took the bait and went for it when I loaded up my Kindle right after Christmas.

via Amazon
I have to be honest: when I was telling Jon about this book (which is rare, actually, but he asked and seemed genuinely interested) he asked what the name of it was. I told him, "Belzhar but it's more like BLEHzar," and cracked myself up - so, you know, that pretty much sets that tone, doesn't it?

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Best Thing I've Seen All Week

Seriously, you guys: does it get any better?

Happy Friday, everyone! This week flew for me and I'm hoping the weekend doesn't follow suit - although, since Jon and I have such an activity-packed few days ahead of us, I'm thinking it may. Regardless, enjoy whatever time you get to yourself and whether your Monday comes too quickly, too slowly, or at just the right speed, I hope it brings a week of awesomeness your way. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Personality Post: Insights Discovery

As part of our development at work, each employee goes through something called Insights Discovery training. I found out about this during my second or third week at work when my boss asked one of my co-workers if she had attended and what her colors were. 

Insights Discovery training is a workshop of sorts that enables you to learn about yourself as well as others in the work place.* Before the four hour training class, each individual takes a twenty-five question assessment and the results of the assessment make up your colors and your title. The colors represent four categories.

Steeling Stephanie: Insights Wheel (via
via Insights 

We are each given a set of colored blocks as well to display (if we so choose) in our offices. Each block comes with a brief description of what someone who leads with that color energy might say. 

Steeling Stephanie: Insights Blocks (via
My co-worker/friend and I took the training together and spent months (I am not exaggerating) trying to guess what our makeup would be. I was pretty sure that I was going to be yellow-green-red-blue (it's important to note that the "give me details" in this sense is not, like, "tell me everything," it's more like, "I'm going to read the instructions meticulously before I attempt to plug in this vacuum and use it."). 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Book Review: The Girl With All The Gifts

Although I didn't get any Amazon gift cards for Christmas, I did receive cash and I sure did beebop over to Giant Eagle to purchase a gift card for myself. Fuel perks and books? Win.

I loaded up my Kindle with a handful of books and decided that I'd get one more new one in and save the rest as items toward my goal of 100 books read in 2015.

Based on recommendations by a few girlfriends, I went with The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey. 

source | True Story: I had a little thrill when I saw the Joss Whedon quote. Worlds colliding!

Despite what my husband thinks (and, apparently, as my book reviews might suggest), I do not read solely YA novels. I love them, yes, but I do not exclude other books outside of this category. That having been said, I do not know if I would have found The Girl With All the Gifts on my own. It's dark and there's a pretty heavy scientfic presence.

Note: this book is awfully hard to review without spoilers - I found myself typing, saying "oh shit," and consequently deleting quite often. I think I managed to complete the post successfully, however if you find the review lacking substance, this is why. Also, for what it's worth, the reviews on Goodreads are fairly unedited regarding spoilers - I recommend looking it up on Amazon instead. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up: Get Down With The Sickness

Well, folks, as a friend put it: flupocalypse is here. It started New Year's Day and is still petering around, causing aches, sniffles, stuffies and sore throats. It's been floating around here for a while: Jon had it, one of my BFFs had it, multiple family members and co-workers have had it - so I guess it's my turn. One of the apparent defining characteristics is its lingering abilities: it's not one of those 48- or 72-hour bugs, oh no: we have a stage 5 clinger. 

I'm a terrible sick person, too. I alternate between whining and feeling pitiful and trying to kick the sickness out of my system by doing ALL OF THE THINGS, which typically results in me feeling extra exhausted. 

Despite this, I've made it to Friday relatively unscathed. Sure, I no longer have a voice (no, really - I know people say that often but I am down to rasp and gravel. Even when I can produce that, I get winded and run out of air) but I'm still here. Silver linings, guys. 

Moving on. . .

In line with my 2015 goals as well as in an attempt to avoid The January Slump, I created a meal plan for Jon and I and we had delicious dinner every night this week. 

Steeling Stephanie: Weeknight Meals
personal photo | As my girlfriend Maria writes, so much of making Pinterest-worthy food is good lighting and a good camera. I had neither, so judge not: this shit was delicious. 

All of this food was very hearty and warm - a good thing since we experienced below zero temperatures a few times here in the Steel City. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Book Review: BZRK

As a huge fan of Michael Grant's Gone series, I was pretty excited to discover BZRK. 

As I mentioned in my last review, I'm pretty terrible with summaries, so let's leave it to the experts at Amazon:

Set in the near future, BZRK is the story of a war for control of the human mind. Charles and Benjamin Armstrong, conjoined twins and owners of the Armstrong Fancy Gifts Corporation, have a goal: to turn the world into their vision of utopia. No wars, no conflict, no hunger. And no free will. Opposing them is a guerrilla group of teens, code name BZRK, who are fighting to protect the right to be messed up, to be human. This is no ordinary war, though. Weapons are deployed on the nano-level. The battleground is the human brain. And there are no stalemates here: It's victory. . .or madness.
BZRK unfolds with hurricane force around core themes of conspiracy and mystery, insanity and changing realities, engagement and empowerment, and the larger impact of personal choice. Which side would you choose? How far would you go to win? 
via Goodreads
When one is a fan of YA, as I am, it is almost impossible not to run into an almost disappointingly easy to read writing style, a tone that is simplified for its targeted audience* - take note, folks: that is not the case here.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The January Slump

Ah, winter. Post-holidays, all you have to offer are cold weather, icy roads which lead to a longer commute, endlessly gray days and building enough time into my morning routine to scrape and de-thaw my car before I drive it. 

Steeling Stephanie: The January Slump (Boring Pittsburgh: Jan in PGH)
via Boring Pittsburgh | seriously, this is how the new year wants to greet me?


I don't know about you all, but January is the worst month of the year for me. I always joke that I'm in need of a sun lamp because I am just straight miserable during the winter, but especially in January. I mean, a lot of it is due to my own hang-ups. Take New Year's Resolutions and goals, for instance: I like instant gratification and the ability to see results, but really, all of my/our goals are a process - most of which that will likely take the entire year. I know I sound like a brat who wants what she wants right now and I won't say that's wrong - it's just that while I'm looking forward to all that 2015 has to bring, I'm also just in a weird twiddling-my-thumbs place. 

In the same vein, January can also be a little overwhelming to some. All of the New Year, New Me ideals floating around, articles instructing you to take the time to purge and clean and re-organize and DO ALL OF THE THINGS. It's like geez oh man, the year just started, can I have a minute? 

One of my far-off-future goals is to plan a little vacation for Jon and I in January, a post-holidays de-stress and a pre-year re-energize. That's fun to dream about, for sure, and will definitely be a bright spot to look forward to. . .even if post-vacation depression rears its ugly head - take the good with the bad, am I right?

So, knowing this general ickiness is coming during these dark (figuratively and literally, if you will) days and nights, I'm trying to be proactive about it. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Here, There and Everywhere: Happy 2015!

Back at work for the sneaky Friday that 2015 managed to wedge into what should really have been a nice, long weekend? Don't worry: I'm here for you.

  • I'm a little late in my discovery of this, but better late than never, right? Dee Williams of Olympia, Washington resides in a home that totals 84 square feet. Yes: 84 total square feet. For those of us looking to downsize in 2015, she's either an inspiration or an intimidation.

image via Amazon, copyright of Putnam Adult
  • Linda Tirado offers an interesting perspective of what it's like to be poor in today's America. Saving money costs money. This is something that I grapple with often: it'd be great to invest in the more-expensive-but-better-quality item and sure, in the long run it'd be beneficial, but sometimes you just don't have that extra amount in the Right Now.
  • Those who know me know that I love little more than people being friends. I love when people I love have a connection. It's part of why I love guys like Adam Sandler and Judd Apatow and why I'm drawn to their films. All of this to say: Kelly Clarkson went to see Britney Spears' show in Vegas and I just about died. 

  • Google is freakin' amazing, if you didn't know that already, and put together a lookback at 2014 in terms of searches and web trends. Everything from chia vs. kale and Ellen's Oscar selfie is covered in this amazing corner of the internet. 
  • True Fact: I love pop culture. I'd say it's a defining characteristic. The AV Club is my all time favorite website because they are all about pop culture. There are reviews and news articles, all written with a certain tone that speaks right to me. As they do every year, they came up with the best television shows of 2014: part one is dedicated to numbers 35 through 11 and part two is dedicated to the Top Ten. What I learned from these lists: my TV game is ultimate suckage. I am beyond behind and I blame watching SVU every time it's on USA as well as turning to Nick at Nite before bed. I need to get it together and have already started doing so: currently watching The Affair (ranked #23). Bonus: I get to see Pacey's bum. Swoonies.
  • Also from the friends at The AV Club: quirky society figures like Weird Al Yankovic and Mara Wilson ranked their favorite pop culture of 2014.
image via Keith Hodan of Trib Total Media
  • Pittsburgh's version of the Polar Bear Plunge involves freezing temperatures in one of our famed three rivers. According to local news, about 700 people participated this morning. Believe it or not, I think I might want to adopt this tradition for Jon and I as well. We'll see if I remember this January 1, 2016 - but as I mentioned in my resolutions post, when I put things to words, it gives them life, so even though my finger is hovering over the delete key, I'm keeping it here. Early morning 2016 will involve freezing laughter with a bunch of strangers. Eepies.
Anything keeping your attention this Friday? Feel free to share and discuss - we're all in this together!