Friday, December 19, 2014

Here, There and Everywhere: Friday Edition

What good is the internet if we can't share the hilarious, wonderful and insane things we encounter with one another, am I right? 

  • HuffPo's Book Gift Guide of 2014 has compiled a list of 32 books, each in their own handy sections. The author notes that books are a risky gift, which I semi-agree with, so my recommendation is to get an Amazon gift card and write up a recommendation list. Boom.
via New York Times

  • NYTimes produced an interesting article linking your spending to your residence. How Your City Influences Your Spending isn't a complete list and I'll overlook the fact that Pittsburgh wasn't included but Philly (barf) and Baltimore (double barf) and Cleveland (BARF BARF BARF) were, but only because two of the three are shown to spend less than the nation's average on men's undies (yup, you guessed it: barf). 
  • Ben Affleck's peep from his role as Nick Dunne in Gone Girl has finally made it to us in GIF form. If that Buzzfeed article planted the seed of hope, this was the MiracleGro.
  • Barbara Walters named George Clooney's wife the Most Fascinating Person of 2014. Amal Alamuddin is apparently a big wig in the legal world but who cares because, as Barbara herself said, "or maybe because it is heartening to think that no matter how long it may take, the perfect someone is out there for everyone. And that, for us, makes her the most fascinating person of 2014." Sigh.
  • This blogger asked Photoshop peeps all over the place to make her "beautiful" - and apparently it's also been done before?
  • Last Friday, I achieved Inbox Zero and was super pumped about it. Like, was singing "In-box heeeero" to the tune of Jukebox Hero in my head. My girlfriend Maria (you can check her out at Stieve Says) sent me this Oatmeal comic after I shared my achievement with her. 
via this article | photo credit to Scholastic | This book upset me to no end that I remember throwing it away and feeling like such a champion of the people. Eight year old advocacy/aggression is serious, you guys.
  • We started with Buzzfeed, let's end with Buzzfeed. Did you grow up with The Baby-Sitter's Club? Because I sure as hell did. I'd say at least once a week, I am able to answer a question or recite some fact because of knowledge obtained from that series. Honest! It's pretty well-known that The BSC was my childhood (for real: I remember being in second grade reading them and thinking, 'ohmyGod, I can't wait to be thirteen.' And then I remember being thirteen and thinking, 'this is it: I'm now BSC age.' It was an odd mix of success and depression) and a friend shared an article entitled "21 Perfect New Year's Resolutions for Twentysomethings from 'The Baby-Sitter's Club'." GENIUS. 
Your turn: what kept your interest this week? Sharing is Caring! 


  1. A lot of those HuffPo books are on my reading list. Books are always a good gift bet for me. :)

    1. I bought books as a gift for my two teenage cousins and was overwhelmed with a sense of nostalgia. I used to love receiving books when I was their age and cannot remember the time I actually held/read a 'real' book.
